Arrow of Light

Walker received his Arrow of Light at Pack Meeting last week. The Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts is what getting your Eagle in Scouts is. It’s a pretty BIG deal!!

We held a very special ceremony with an Indian Chief and Medicine Man for the boys who had earned their Arrow of Light. It was really cool!

The Chief and Medicine Man walk in beating their drum and shaking a medicine stick. They get up to the front of the Pack and ask, “Are there two boys who have worked hard and are worthy to receive the Order of the Arrow?” The Pack answers, “Yes!”

He goes to Walker and Chase and has them follow him as they walk around the room. It is symbolic of walking through the forest and he is their guide.

I love that Walker looked right at me with such a big grin as he was being led out. 🙂

He leads them back to the front of the Pack and shows them that there is a fire. As a Scout they are to always be helpful. To help the Pack they can show their willingness by laying a stick on the fire to keep it burning.

Then he asked the parents of the boys to stand.

He asked us to follow him as well. This is to symbolize how as parents we are there to always help our boys along their way.

He then asked the boys to say the Boy Scout Oath.

Their Cub Master, Brother Campbell, then presented them with their Arrow of Light patch. This patch will be one of the very few patches that will transfer to their Boy Scout uniform.

The Chief then explained the meaning of the Arrow of Light.

First, the sun. The sun sheds its light on all that we do. A reminder that Cub Scouts should be a light for those around them.

Second, the rays. The seven rays of the sun representing the seven days of the week. A reminder that Cub Scouts should do their best every day. Also each of the rays represents 7 great virtues:

WISDOM- Having wisdom doesn’t mean that a Scout is smarter than others. It means that he uses what he knows to live a better life — to be a good example for other people, young and old, Scouts and others, family and friends.

COURAGE- Having courage doesn’t mean that you’re never afraid — very courageous people are often afraid. However, facing danger despite your fear is the act of a brave, courageous Scout.

SELF-CONTROL- Scouts have to know when to stop. When you can stop yourself when you have had enough or done enough of something — enough eating, enough playing, or even enough working — then you have self-control. Know what behavior is correct in each situation, and do it. When you have self-control, you are growing up as a Scout.

JUSTICE- Justice is part of the Pledge of Allegiance: “with liberty and justice for all.” Justice is being fair with others that we go to school with, work and play with. Justice means it doesn’t matter who the person is, or what color they are, or what they do … Scouts are fair to everyone.

FAITH- Scouts believe in God. Faith means that we believe in God and other things we cannot see. When you know God exists in your heart, you have faith.

HOPE- Hope means you look forward to good things that you believe will happen. You hope for better things tomorrow, but you work hard today to make those good things happen.

LOVE- Scouts have many kinds of love. Love of family, home, your fellow Scouts, God and country are all a part of Scouting. Every kind of love is important for a full and happy life.

You will find that if you live by these seven virtues, you will be happy and will make the people around you happy as well.

And finally, the arrow. The arrow which is symbolic of everything which is straight and true. Just as Cub Scouts should be straight and true in their lives. It also points forward to the trail of Boy Scouting ranks and higher challenges.

After he explains the meanings they present the boys with a pin. They boys place the pins on their Mother’s necks as a token of thanks for all of our help along their way.

Then their Father’s present the boys with their Arrows. (Insert OOOO’s and AAAAAH’s here :P)

The final step is the Crossing Over part of the ceremony. The bridge symbolizes leaving Cub Scouts and entering the Scouting Program. The boys had to take off their kerchiefs and slides and then ‘cross over’ the bridge where their new Scout Master, Brother Aaron Murphy, greeted them and shook their hand to welcome them into his Troop.

It was a great moment as a mom to see my son’s hard work and effort being acknowledged. Walker has learned so much through the Cub Scout program. It has taught him important life lessons and I’ve seen him grow into an outstanding young man. As he continues into the Scouting Program I’m sure he will continue to grow into an outstanding man! 😀

One Comment

  • Unknown

    Hi Vanessa: Thanks for sharing your arrow of light experience with all of us. I live in Queen Creek and I will love to have the same ceremony for mi son. How can I reach the chef? and how much he charge for the ceremony ?
    My name is Claudia Whitehead

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